I'd strongly suggest that anyone who thinks "vic" is genuinely trying to help, and at worst a bit incompetent, take a look at that thread. The author of plan9zig is not on this mailing list, to the best of my knowledge. They saw the 'patch', expressed appreciation, noticed problems with it, realized the patch did not compile, realized that the patch _looked_ LLM-generated, *assumed the benefit of the doubt*, and asked why the changes were made. Vic denied any responsibility, ignored the LLM question, refused to explain any of the changes made, and just said "if you don't like it, feel free to do your own thing". "Move beyond it. Let it rest." "Just go write better code." A maintainer who has _no_ prior interactions with "vic" assumed good faith, and with one look at the patch noticed it was likely LLM generated. They asked for explanation, and Vic implied that they were the problem and told them "just write better code." This is not someone not knowing any better. This is not good faith misbehavior. There is no universe in which a well-intentioned person tries to help someone, receives a confused "what are you doing??" response, and then implies that the person they were trying to help is somehow a problem because they _want to understand_. That's _not_ how people treat each other. This is not an accident. This is deliberate, conscious malice. Or it's not conscious at all. ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options: