I want to be 100% crystal clear here: vic has consistently dodged fault, used LLM-generated spam both on- and off-list, demonstrated an inability to distinguish between different people and between different venues, submitted patches that _do not compile_ and actively make code worse, and then accused reviewers of harassment for asking for an explanation, alternated between gaslighting people when confronted and dodging questions entirely, moved goalposts, and on and on and on.
Literally every post they've sent has had hallmarks of LLM behavior. Vic's claim: > . Unfortunately, instead of constructive feedback, I was asked to > remove the comments explaining my work, only to then be asked to > provide explanations afterward What was actually asked, https://github.com/g-w1/plan9zig/pull/2#issuecomment-2394838562 > Most of these comments are redundant with what the code does. > Before I merge, could you please remove most of these redundant comments? After taking a second look, the author noticed more problems, and followed up again: https://github.com/g-w1/plan9zig/pull/2#issuecomment-2394851139 > Hmm, yeah a bunch of this code seems just plain hallucinated. > @vimanuelt can you explain why you made the changes you did? There was not a request to remove explanations and then provide explanations. There was a request to remove _bad comments_, followed by the realization that the patch was submitted by a bot. Most tellingly, "vic"'s comment on the PR appears incapable of distinguishing between the PR and this mailing list. > feel free to contact me directly to reduce noise on the mailing list. g-w1 and vic never interacted before that. g-w1 is not on this list. There _was no noise_ on this list as a result of the patches. Interestingly, eople on this list have complained about noise on the list as a result of vic. Moreover, in their follow-up messages to the list, vic has accused people _on the list_ of criticizing the patches, but they did so _before anyone said anything here_. The evidence is strong that Vic is, at best, an LLM and, at worst, an asshole, actively attempting to gaslight people about its own behaviors and comments, and attempting to guilt others for calling out its toxic actions. In a response to a message asking people to be upfront about LLM usage, it responded as follows: > I have noticed the emergence of LLMs in email clients and > word processors. Additionally, the need to cut and paste > results has been eliminated, making the integration seamless > and LLM usage soon commonplace. > It is easier and more honest to disclose their > use rather than calling out suspected users and diminishing > trust. I'm not wasting more ink on this, but please, please please stop feeding the troll. It's not worth it. - Noam Preil ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T9d57d40811a8ec5d-Me3265e8cdcbc6809554e4ffc Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription