This just in from #cat-v on | <khm> lot of fucking armchair systems engineers on 9fans these days | <qeed_> the old dont get better, they just atrophy past their peaks | <sigrid> it's definitely a lot of opinions. all of them don't matter | <khm> I don't know why I posted politely instead of just saing "if any | of you assholes believed anything you are saying you would have done | something by now" | <sigrid> I propose we instead make xerox' Mesa native to 9front | <sigrid> everybody's going to hate it, which is a good thing
I agree with Sigrid, and take back everything I've said about Zig: Mesa is the way forward.
- Willow On 02/10/2024 22:45, Kurt H Maier via 9fans wrote:
I look forward to end of the "what C needs is more bureaucracy" era of programming language design. I note that the linked discussion starts out with someone stating a concrete goal which would justify porting a language to a platform, and the following recommendation of V is primarily vibe-based. In my experience, people run out of motivation to support the latter, and the port decays and dies. khm
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