Listen here, some of you are puffed up and too full of yourselves. First, you 
tell me to strip out the comments that explain things, then come back whining 
that I didn’t explain enough. Who needs that kind of two-faced treatment? This 
is supposed to be an open-source project—a place where folks can contribute, 
learn, and grow, not a breeding ground for hate and backbiting.

Some of you act like you’d rather tear someone down than lend a hand. Some of 
you are downright nasty, plain and simple. It’s no wonder people don’t want to 
submit patches or share their work with you. You’re sowing the seeds of your 
own downfall, and the mess you’re stuck in—you built it. You deserve every bit 
of it. Don’t come crying when nobody’s left to clean it up for you. Go live in 
your self-created misery. 

Here’s a thought: maybe some of you should quit giving others such a hard time 
when they’re just trying to help. Ever consider that being kind and supportive 
might actually grow the Plan 9 community? I don’t care how self-important some 
of you think you are—you're not helping anyone, least of all the community. In 
fact, some of you are actively tearing it apart. You’re certainly destroying it 
for me. Whatever you’ve accomplished in the past doesn’t give you the right to 
treat others like trash. It’s time for you to step back and leave, because 
you're doing more harm than good.

- Vic

On Sun, Oct 6, 2024, at 12:06, Kurt H Maier wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 04, 2024 at 03:51:13PM +0900, wrote:
>> I'm relieved this mailing list focuses on Plan 9, not 9front, since I don't 
>> use 9front. I submitted two patches today—no armchair engineers around here. 
> I hope that you learn nobody wants your LLM output quickly enough that
> more venues don't have to deal with the noise.  First you tried shitting
> up this mailing list with it, and now some poor software maintainer had
> to deal with it.  You're not helping anything with this slop.
> "no armchair engineers" indeed.  Copying chatgpt output and pasting it
> into other people's inboxes doesn't even qualify as *armchair*
>   engineering.
> khm

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