On Aug 15, 2010, at 9:44 PM, Peter Jeremy <peter.jer...@alcatel-lucent.com> 

> Given that both provide similar features, it's difficult to see why
> Oracle would continue to invest in both.  Given that ZFS is the more
> mature product, it would seem more logical to transfer all the effort
> to ZFS and leave btrfs to die.

I can see Oracle ejecting BTRFS from it's folds, but seriously doubt it will 
die. BTRFS is now mainlined into the Linux kernel and I will bet that currently 
a lot of it's development is already coming from outside parties and Oracle is 
simply acting as the commit maintainer.

Linux is an evolving OS, what determines a FS's continued existence is the 
public's adoption rate of that FS. If nobody ends up using it then the kernel 
will drop it in which case it will eventually die.


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