The problem is: The first time the a software release is considered
stable, it takes significant time for the uptake and the moment it's
really stable. ZFS was introduced almost 5 years ago to the public and
just now it gets mayor uptake in the field. I still don't get it, why
brtfs should be exception of the rule, that everything around storage is
under most conservative consideration by people (even for people just
using at home: Telling your wife that you just lost your wedding photos
by testing that new filesystem will give you an escalation meeting near
to hell and the contract penalties may force you to sleep in the living
room for years). The fast uptake of ext1-4 was just owed to the fact,
that the changes was just evolutionary.
On 14.08.2010 23:26, Andrej Podzimek wrote:
From: [mailto:zfs-discuss-] On Behalf Of Andrej Podzimek
Or Btrfs. It may not be ready for production now, but it could become a
serious alternative to ZFS in one year's time or so. (I have been using
I will much sooner pay for sol11 instead of use btrfs. Stability&
speed& maturity greatly outweigh a few hundred dollars a year, if
you run your business on it.
Well, a typical conversation about speed and stability usually boils
down to this:
A: I've heard that XYZ is unstable and slow.
B: Are you sure? Have you tested XYZ? What are your benchmark results?
Have you had any issues?
A: No. I *have* *not* *tested* XYZ. I think XYZ is so unstable and
slow that it's not worth testing.
It is true that the userspace utilities for Btrfs are immature. But
nobody says Btrfs is ready for business deployments *right* *now*. I
merely said it could become a serious alternative to ZFS in one year's
As far as stability is concerned, I haven't had any issues so far.
Neither with ZFS, nor with Btrfs.
As far as performance is concerned, some people probably own a crystal
ball. This explains their ability to guess whether Btrfs will
outperform ZFS or not, once the first "stable" release of Btrfs is
out. Unfortunately, I'm not a prophet. ;-) So I'll have to make a
decision based on benchmarks and thorough testing on some of my
machines, as soon as the first "stable" release of Btrfs is out.
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