On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com>wrote:

> Yarko, I can always imagine you talking with tone fluctuations and
> everything since you are so expressive on your emails! :)
Thadeus -

Thank you!  I take that as a great compliment!

WIshing you and yours (and everyone on list)  a Happy Holiday season.

To borrow a little bit from each of Star Wars & Star Trek,  "Use web2py and
prosper!" ;-)

- Yarko

> -Thadeus
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 4:11 PM, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com>wrote:
>> since 'en' is generic that is good.... and since when did color vs colour
>> become that big of an issue ?
>> If parts of web2py have color, and other parts have colour, then using
>> 'en' is what we need to use, since it is generic.
>> -Thadeus
>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <
>> resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 'en' is less specific.
>>> color or colour might be in it (depending on who wrote the string);  it
>>> is ambiguous.
>>> Removing ambiguity, so that - if some application appropriately needs to
>>> be picky about spellings, idioms, grammatical subteties, I think is
>>> important.
>>> 'en' is "generic";
>>> However, it is also what comes (from web2py?) to the client in the
>>> Content-Language setting (in essence, we are here, within web2py, declaring
>>> for the application writier what the default content-language is, so that it
>>> can be matched with a client "accept-language" --- that is, acceptable
>>> language to serve for the request).
>>> I do not have a powerful position on this - but am more convinced this
>>> patch should declare only one language (the concept of it declaring in
>>> effect a web2py "content-language" at the program level seems to fit, make
>>> sense, and work for me).
>>> There is a lot to read on this,
>>> http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-http-and-lang
>>> and I would only say that I think if we think in terms of this being
>>> about declaring the web2py level equivalent of "content-language", then it
>>> should be singular.
>>> - Yarko
>>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Thadeus Burgess 
>>> <thade...@thadeusb.com>wrote:
>>>> Maybe it's just me, but I can read the same sentence in en-us, en-uk,
>>>> and en-gr, and I understand exactly what they mean just the same. Can't it
>>>> just default all to en, and then any new messages that are written get 
>>>> added
>>>> with this in mind?
>>>> -Thadeus
>>>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 2:31 PM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>wrote:
>>>>> I agree with you. Besides most of the current messages have been
>>>>> written by Fran and Jonathan who are both in Europe. How are we to
>>>>> decide what is en-us and what is en-uk?
>>>>> On Nov 24, 2:28 pm, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> wrote:
>>>>> > new install on ubuntu is [en-us, en].
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I think it should just default to 'en', if you want uk english or us
>>>>> > english, then these are different languages, and should be forced.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > -Thadeus
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <
>>>>> >
>>>>> > resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> > > On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Thadeus Burgess <
>>>>> thade...@thadeusb.com>wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >> Why can't it just be 'en'?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > > It probably could....  I just checked the request environment in a
>>>>> "new
>>>>> > > install" browser I've never used ("Konquerer on Ubuntu) and web2py
>>>>> is
>>>>> > > picking up
>>>>> > > http_accept_language=['en-US', 'en']
>>>>> >
>>>>> > > So if a client had  ['en-UK', 'en'],  if no translation file for
>>>>> en-uk.py
>>>>> > > existed, it would "pick up" the en, and deliver in the site / apps
>>>>> > > internally encoded strings (which would be appropriate).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > > If this is consistent, that the ordering from a client is first
>>>>> > > country-specific, then country-agnostic, then this would probably
>>>>> be
>>>>> > > reasonable.  The only downside:  if I complained (from UK for
>>>>> example)
>>>>> > > about "color" being misspelled (if I think it should be "colour"),
>>>>> then the
>>>>> > > app is not being explicit enough about what it says it's servering.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > > Having said that, I am now convinced (pretty well) that 'en' should
>>>>> not be
>>>>> > > part of the gluon/languages initialization. I think it should be
>>>>> explicit,
>>>>> > > and only one language  - the more specific declaration, not the
>>>>> broader one.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > > So - I think that the original patch I sent (with only 'en-us') is
>>>>> correct,
>>>>> > > and what we should use.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > > - Yarko
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >> -Thadeus
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <
>>>>> > >> resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>> a short version of this (context: U.N. type of meeting):
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>> you (in effect) changed the translator initialization code to say
>>>>> "The
>>>>> > >>> default language [string] I will present you is TWO lanugages",
>>>>> Massimo, it
>>>>> > >>> is _as if_ you said something like: "I'm speaking Itailan, or
>>>>> another way
>>>>> > >>> for you to think of it - I am speaking Russian"
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>> It cannot be!  I cannot "hear" you that way - I have to know
>>>>> _which_
>>>>> > >>> language, if I am to have any hope of "hiring' the right
>>>>> translator!
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>> There is no "can of worms" in the _problem domain_; it is in your
>>>>> not
>>>>> > >>> being specific enough in what you told me you would be speaking!
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>> :-)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <
>>>>> > >>> resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 12:37 PM, mdipierro <
>>>>> mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>>> I put en-uk not en-gr.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>> right, en-uk;  from a software analysis perspective, only one
>>>>> language
>>>>> > >>>> should be in the initialization (addition of a non-country
>>>>> specific version
>>>>> > >>>> of said language should also be acceptable).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>> You see, this is a big can of worms. How do you
>>>>> > >>>>> know that the default application is in en-us and not en-uk?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>> This is not can of worms at all:   you do not "know" - you
>>>>> declare;  the
>>>>> > >>>> patch as you made it, you in effect declared TWO languages (two
>>>>> contry
>>>>> > >>>> specific versions of the same base language, but for
>>>>> understanding this it
>>>>> > >>>> is clearer to ignore the "non-country-specific" part - and just
>>>>> think of it
>>>>> > >>>> as TWO languages.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>> When you look at this as TWO languages, and your translation
>>>>> class code,
>>>>> > >>>> you will see that once any language is in accepted languages, it
>>>>> will not be
>>>>> > >>>> picked up from the application's  languages/*.py file.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>> And that is the bug - you should not be initializing two
>>>>> languages,
>>>>> > >>>> because you prevent the (potential) translations of either of
>>>>> them from
>>>>> > >>>> being picked up, and served to the client.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>> I can see that you considered this as "all english" - but if you
>>>>> think
>>>>> > >>>> of this as separate languages, and in terms of how you read-in
>>>>> the language
>>>>> > >>>> translation files, then the mistake is easy to see.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>>> This is
>>>>> > >>>>> way it was not specified before. This is why I am still not
>>>>> completely
>>>>> > >>>>> convinced it is a good idea not to let the users be explicit.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>> You are not looking at this in the right way; you are wrong -
>>>>> look in
>>>>> > >>>> terms of your design, and it should be immediately clear.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>> For example, think about setting "default language" as 'it' and
>>>>> 'es' ---
>>>>> > >>>> and try to walk thru the logic in gluon/languages.py - then it
>>>>> should be
>>>>> > >>>> very clear that only _one_ language should be initialized.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>> After that point, you can extend this to see that adding a
>>>>> non-country
>>>>> > >>>> specific language to the initialization does not cause any bad
>>>>> behavior, and
>>>>> > >>>> can be useful (help deliver the language appropriately more
>>>>> often).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>> Just remove  'en-uk' from this patch, and it will be fine.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>> - Yarko
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>>> On Nov 24, 12:14 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <
>>>>> resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com>
>>>>> > >>>>> wrote:
>>>>> > >>>>> > On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:25 PM, mdipierro <
>>>>> mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>
>>>>> > >>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>>> > > Yarko's patch is tentatively in trunk since nobody seems to
>>>>> > >>>>> complain
>>>>> > >>>>> > > about this change in behavior.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>>> > You made an error with the change you made in this patch:
>>>>> you added
>>>>> > >>>>> 3
>>>>> > >>>>> > languages, 'en', 'en-us', and 'en-gr';
>>>>> > >>>>> > This should only be either 'en-us' (the language of the
>>>>> distro), or
>>>>> > >>>>> at most
>>>>> > >>>>> > ['en-us', 'en'].
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>>> > As you've done it, you've introduced another bug.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>>> > Putting en-gr will prevent 'en-gr' from being seen if it is a
>>>>> > >>>>> translation
>>>>> > >>>>> > file UNLESS application FORCES a base language (for example).
>>>>> > >>>>> > This means that   'behavior' and 'behaviour' will not be
>>>>> > >>>>> appropriately
>>>>> > >>>>> > picked up from a languages/en-gr.py file UNLESS EACH
>>>>> application
>>>>> > >>>>> forces
>>>>> > >>>>> > language to 'en-us' (or some other, non-[en-gr] language).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>>> > For example, a 'en-us' app will NOT be able (with this app)
>>>>> to
>>>>> > >>>>> correctly
>>>>> > >>>>> > display to someone in England, who has their language set as
>>>>> 'en-gr'.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>>> > Please fix this in trunk:   to ['en-us'];   ['en-us', 'en']
>>>>> would
>>>>> > >>>>> also work
>>>>> > >>>>> > appropriately and be acceptable.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>>> > - Yarko
>>>>> >
>>>>> > >>>>> > > Massimo
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
> >

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