On Sep1, 1:53pm, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 1, 2:33 pm, Iceberg <iceb...@21cn.com> wrote:
> > Weheh, I have to say, you are a bad, bad guy. Because when I saw the
> > title of your post, I was ready for a fight and rushed to see your
> > post. But after reading, I lost the reason to make a heated-up
> > dispute. :-)
> I would be regarded as an outsider here, but I am going to be blunt
> here and say that you as users of web2py have to temper your
> enthusiasm and tendency to attack when anyone says anything that might
> seem the least bit critical, as the way it comes across, as seen by
> outsiders like myself who monitor many web projects in the Python
> community, is not particularly positive and reflects badly on the
> web2py community.

In fact, I just wanted to response Weheh's humor by same humorous way,
but it seems my joke is not that funny. Really sorry for giving you a
bad, bad impression. I believe the web2py community don't really treat
criticism like the joke I mentioned. Sorry.
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