On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 12:33, Iceberg<iceb...@21cn.com> wrote:
> Weheh, I have to say, you are a bad, bad guy. Because when I saw the
> title of your post, I was ready for a fight and rushed to see your
> post. But after reading, I lost the reason to make a heated-up
> dispute. :-)
> PS: It doesn't need a native English speaker to understand your humor.
> I am from China too. :-)

Mnnn i'm over it... that is sweet tendentious words... ;-)

> Iceberg
> On Sep1, 10:00am, weheh <richard_gor...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> I've been using web2py for around 6 months now and I thought I'd share
>> a bunch of reasons why I think web2py is a bad thing all around.
>> I used to be an expert at all sorts of things in order to build my
>> websites. I developed a whole python infrastructure over a couple of
>> years that mostly enforced a MVC development structure. With it, I
>> could get a new website, like a photo gallery website, roughed-in in
>> under a week. I had a bunch of tricks up my sleeve, written in
>> javascript, css, cookies, AJAX, Apache, MySQL, html, XML, and other
>> arcane stuff. It was a steep learning curve and frustrating having to
>> learn all those different languages, but it gave me big mental muscles
>> and a big ego to go along with them. My websites were reasonbly
>> consistent looking and did a few nifty grpahics tricks to boot. They
>> stood up pretty well to lots of page hits.
>> Now, I only use what comes in the web2py package and my sites look way
>> more consistent, do more graphics tricks, and use a ton less code. My
>> websites never break and I rarely check in on them to see if they're
>> working. They just work. I can develop the look and feel of the site
>> before writing the database and controller code. The photo-gallery
>> site that took a week to develop ... I can now do in an afternoon.
>> Another site that took me months to develop ... I'm on the way to
>> implementing it in a couple of weeks. I have so much extra time on my
>> hand that I find myself worrying about really dumb stuff, like
>> implementing rounded corners on my boxes or getting just the right
>> shade of eggshell blue in my background. I thought I still had a valid
>> complaint that the web2py doc was thin and incomplete, but now that
>> Massimo has come out with the fantastic rev 2.0 of the doc, even that
>> gripe has been taken away from me.
>> Now my mental muscles are going flabby and my ego has been deflated.
>> Practically any shmoe can now make an excellent dynamic website with
>> web2py.  Web2py is a bad, bad thing.
> >

http://zoomquiet.org 人生苦短? Pythonic!
一个人如果力求完善自己,就会看到:为此也必须同时完善他人. 一个人如果不关心别人的完善,自己便不可能完善!

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