Thanks all!

Yeah - I agree with you about limiting the number of frameworks/tools/
languages, which is a rule in my team. We have enough to master:
Web2py, Python, MySQL, Javascript, CSS... not to mention browser
rendering quirks. Looking at Appcelerator - it would open a whole new/
old can of worms!
I already use a few JQuery plugins and find these are great for rapid
prototyping, as they are quick to implement and style. YUIs widgets
are a bit slower to implement and often are painfully tricky to style
right. Hopefully YUI 3 will fix this and make it easier for its
community to write plugins akin to JQuery ones. Then I can switch my
team to 3 without JQuery. :-( Or perhaps by that time JQuery will
offer a better CSS grid solution, and we can ditch YUI. :-) I cant
complain for having the choice!

Thanks - thatś a good way - I often use redirects. Perhaps I am just
being too lazy to take this approach all the time! Web2py certainly
shares Pythons batteries included approach - so much so that it is
easy to expect it to deliver everything! I hope others new to web2py
read your example. Its crazy how the little things like redirects
really help save a lot of time. But I guess web2py/T3 has me lusting
for more! ;-)

You should take these ideas further - I am curious about the dummy db
concept + T2, but it is your ´data facade´ idea that really gets my
interest!! I was thinking perhaps a forms module that can be called
from any view. But I guess T2 does something similar without a module?
 Back to your data facade idea - ´decoupling basic form generation
from application data development and structure´ - this is either
totally off-track or you have found the solution!!! I really like it.
 If you are implying that there could be a way to generate layout
components eg forms with web2py, and re-use these by connecting them
to different controllers, then please elabourate. This could be like
SQLFORM, but with fields/labels etc defined in the view, and connected
to a controller - much like Billf has suggested but in reverse -
pointing to a controller - not a view.
 Does this seem against the web2py way? It would allow rapid layout of
forms, no errors, and isnt wasting code as the forms the developer is
happy with could be connected and the others deleted. But compared to
you I am a web2py noob, so tell me to stop now!
 TBH, we don't use many graphics in our app - but rather use a lot of
CSS. (If only 3 were going to a standard soon! BTW, anyone check out
HSS?   It extends CSS to have
variables amongst other features. I´m very keen to use it, but haven't
found reviews yet and haven't had time to test it.) To do quick
layouts I have even thought of making quick graphics of forms and
placing these in views before coding them up in controllers. I tried
Pencil but found it was just another
solution that pushes my team away from learning web2py. I am wondering
when the next YUI Grid Builder will meet T3 and allow the user to drop
in widgets if not forms too.

I can imagine T3 could simply start by doing something like read the
template hierarchy of extends and includes, and like SQLDesigner
render a nodal structure, but of a web site/apps views - even show
which views have forms. If a form is moved to another view, prompt the
user to update the name of the respective controller or make a
redirect? But this could cause other issues... and I don't want web2py
or T3 to become as bloated/complex/esoteric as Zope/Plone!
 I guess there isn't much reason other than time/money that the
current web2py Layout Builder couldn't be extended to do this now?
Rather than just one page being laid out, an entire applications views
could be, if not someday allowing forms etc to be dropped int too.
But again, it seems T3 is heading there quicker than we can dream it.

For now, I'm really happy to be reading your insights to help me and
my team.

Please keep them flowing!!!



PS If sometimes I seem to jump right into a discussion rather than
work through the people - I blame it on the long hours/startup! ;-) I
really enjoy reading the ideas here! I don't ever want to appear to be
treading over others opinions. It´s not my intent. I really like this
framework and group. We are building a great framework together. :D
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