Just picking up on the point about legacy database column names and
readable view names.  Rather than map these in the controller, I think
I would prefer an "alias" passed to SQLField in the model so that any
mapping is done once.

On Oct 30, 1:19 pm, Timothy Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> See my comments below...
> noobpythoncoder wrote:
> > <snip />
> > I Iike the tight MVC paradigm, security, and other good practices
> > built into web2py, but sometimes I wish there was a way to more
> > quickly prototype the front-end, eg test the functionality of SQLFORMS
> > in different views from a user experience perspective, without
> > worrying about this matching the controller side so much at that early
> > development stage.
> This is precisely why there isn't "tight MVC" in web2py.  It's loose
> because of the "passing Python objects that make HTML" thing.  Even the
> idea of HTML-helpers is not MVC friendly.  This builds the argument for
> using XML-based templates (such as Genshi/Kid/ZPT/SimpleTAL).  One of
> the ideas is that you should be able to view these templates in a normal
> HTML editor/browser and get a good feel for what they look like.  That
> would be a truly independent View.  While Genshi doesn't adhere to this
> completely (it uses <xi:include ... />), I can still open my templates
> in a browser and get a general idea of what I'm looking at (compare with
> any text-based template language viewed in a browser).  Unless you have
> really good editing/viewing software that can parse templates (I haven't
> seen it), then you're on to Yarko's idea about a minimal application to
> render your templates for viewing/testing.> If anyone knows a way of doing 
> this that I have overlooked, and doesnt
> > involve simply copy n pasting html forms, please write. But if this is
> > a bad idea in web2py - even at prototyping phase - please offer a
> > constructive alternative.
> This may be obvious to others but it wasn't to me at first (since I
> didn't start out working on a team).  I work with more old databases
> than new ones so the fieldnames are often cryptic and don't describe the
> data they contain.  Whenever making a template, it's bad to pass in the
> resulting object directly from a query because you end up referencing
> database fields with cryptic names and it makes your templates less
> readable and less reusable.  Instead, define a clear interface for your
> templates with human-readable names for the fields and use the
> controller to map the database results to what the template requires.> Though 
> my teams first web2py app is nearly fully prototyped, with
> > about a third of the backend done, I would like to hear how others are
> > rapidly prototyping in web2py while retaining a good balance at
> > allowing for the development of the backend controllers etc as their
> > apps near production standard.
> > Perhaps if it were possible in web2py to switch between a security
> > lenient development phase and secure production phase, a quicker front
> > end development may be possible? Ok, this is probably a stupid idea,
> > but I was thinking back to my php.ini days. ;-)
> How about a trunk and branches/tags in subversion?  That's what I do.  
> Wait are you talking about for your projects or web2py?
> <snip />
>  tfarrell.vcf
> < 1KViewDownload
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