> VNC s excellent, well, at least in my opinion. What I am wondering
> is if VNC could become like Citrix, allowing multiple users to
> connect to a single windows machine. This would make VNC great,
> wouldn't it? Anyone's opinion is greatly valuable!

In terms of speed, I think one day VNC will match the Citrix client in terms of 
speed. When Citrix developed Winframe (basically a multiuser version of NT 
3.51), the best modem speed was 28k. So, the made sure their protocol would 
squeeze down that wire.

Funnily enough, MS wrote Terminal Server a few years later (NT4 multiuser) 
but AFAIK their protocol (RDP?) is too fat to squeeze down at 56k line. I think 
that XP workstation also uses RDP so I wonder if they've improved it.

As for getting "Citrix for free" with VNC, I don't think you're going to get it for 
Windows unless someone rewrites the underlying OS. Unix, well, that's a 
different story but until it runs Office <sigh> it's going to be a minority market. 
Sad, I know, but true in the main.

As WINE, Win2Lin and Lindows develops, it will be very interesting to see how 
these ideas take off. Have a huge *nix box that ran windows apps without 
needing the dreaded NT CALs would be incredably cool and would save me a 
mint on licencing.

One question with the VNC/Citrix thing - a citrix client opens up it's own 
connection and the user doesn't need to know display numbers. Is this what ppl 
where hoping for with VNC?

Just a few thoughts,
Richard Harris
Environment IT
Tel: 0115 977 4509
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