This getting way off topic here. But --
   *nix Are the easier to install. As A Tech I have installed several thousands of 
boxes. I regularly runnin got more problems out of windows than any other OS, period. 
anyway that has little to do with the topic at hand. As to becoming like Citrix, VNC 
is not intend to operate like that. First Problem is that the 9X line of windows is 
single user and would take a a code rewrite to fix that( Don't see gates letting us 
play with his toys). Second probelm is as it stands WinVNC is not built to function 
like that as is was coded to work in a single userserver. You could make a major fork 
of VNC that rewrote the code base to make a multiuser a ware xserverthat runs on 
windows, But then you would have teh problem for running it on an unsecure multiuser 
unaware system and that is asking for nothing but headaches. Best bet would be to 
target a fork at allowing multi user access to an NT/2000/XP box. Here Xp has a edge. 
It i the first mult user multi interface aware version of Windo!
ws out of teh box thanks to the fact that MS used the Terminal Servercode base to 
setup the Fastuser switching feature. That is also why Ithink VNC has been haveinf 
fits on Xp boxes.

On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 01:58:23 -0700
"Dave Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > On Sat, 2001-12-15 at 19:08, Christopher Koeber wrote:
> > > Your right. Unix is an excellent operating system. The one thing that
> holds
> > > Unix and even Linux back though is that it still isn't very easy to use.
> You
> > > have know a lot about computers and even the OS itself to really get the
> > > most out of these types of systems.
> >
> > And you think Windows is easier? Sit a newbie down in front of a freshly
> > installed Windows box, and I guarantee you, he won't even get his
> > soundcard working. It really just depends on what you're used to.
> I put together a custom 1.4GHz box a few weeks ago.  Sound worked after the
> default install, no configuration at all, no driver CDs, and my grandmother
> was able to surf, play music, all the good stuff a common user needs a
> computer for.
> I don't know enough about Linux to know one way or the other.
> -- 
> The nice thing about standards, there is enough for everyone to have their own.
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