Well, your definitly right on that one, too, I guess. The majority people
nowadays are used to Windows since it is the main operating system used,
though. The reason why I bring the subject of the ease of use is that most
people haven't even seen Linux before so it won't be a viable server
platform to have multiple machines connect to it. Windows, on the other
hand, is a more well known platform so it is a better choice to have
multiple users connect to a machine like that. What does everyone else


----- Original Message -----
From: "ScanMan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: VNC is Powerful, could it become like Citrix

> On Sat, 2001-12-15 at 19:08, Christopher Koeber wrote:
> > Your right. Unix is an excellent operating system. The one thing that
> > Unix and even Linux back though is that it still isn't very easy to use.
> > have know a lot about computers and even the OS itself to really get the
> > most out of these types of systems.
> And you think Windows is easier? Sit a newbie down in front of a freshly
> installed Windows box, and I guarantee you, he won't even get his
> soundcard working. It really just depends on what you're used to.
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