I bought a NIC box for my in laws a year ago, started it and ran for a 
year and never had to fix it.  The Wind 98 boxes for my sisters I always 
have to fix things.
My in laws are in there 80's.

I am not going to get into a debate about OS's, but with the current 
releases of builds, the difference isn't ease of use, application 
availability, and common user interface.  Most people know only windows 
and there a multiple Linux/Unix interfaces.

On Sunday, December 16, 2001, at 02:58 AM, Dave Warren wrote:

>> On Sat, 2001-12-15 at 19:08, Christopher Koeber wrote:
>>> Your right. Unix is an excellent operating system. The one thing that
> holds
>>> Unix and even Linux back though is that it still isn't very easy to 
>>> use.
> You
>>> have know a lot about computers and even the OS itself to really get 
>>> the
>>> most out of these types of systems.
>> And you think Windows is easier? Sit a newbie down in front of a 
>> freshly
>> installed Windows box, and I guarantee you, he won't even get his
>> soundcard working. It really just depends on what you're used to.
> I put together a custom 1.4GHz box a few weeks ago.  Sound worked after 
> the
> default install, no configuration at all, no driver CDs, and my 
> grandmother
> was able to surf, play music, all the good stuff a common user needs a
> computer for.
> I don't know enough about Linux to know one way or the other.
> --
> The nice thing about standards, there is enough for everyone to have 
> their own.
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