: "Ben Hunsberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Hi, I'm new to the VNC scene.  I just downloaded "regular" VNC 3.3.3r9.
: However, I've now noticed this discussion regarding TightVNC
: What has been the experiences of people who have used both products?

I used ordinary VNC for some time, and when the latest improvements
were done to TightVNC, I switched to that.  It was well worth it.

: Are these two separate products now, with 2 separate development paths
: or does TightVNC take regular and integrate their "tight" protocal? 

Let's name specific versions ATT VNC, tridia VNC, and tight VNC.

ATT VNC was taken by both tridia and folks working on tight encoding
(the tight work maybe based on a tridia release, but the split-off point
was pretty close to it's ATT ancenstry), and they diverged; then tridia
got most of the stuff from the tight encoding work, so the two are
"spliced" together in the tridia line, and then (when last I checked)
local cursor handling was added to tightvnc, but hasn't yet been spliced
into tridia.  Since I was very interested in the cursor acceleration, I
used the stuff from the tightvnc project.  The latest tridia download
runs (to my perception) just as fast, but still has the "Dance of the
Dual Cursors" (again, when I last tried it). 

So.  If you are using unix and X over a link with noticeable latency,
I'd use the version from tightvnc.org, otherwise the tridia release
is Just Fine.  (The free version of the tridia stuff has an .org
site for download and developer interaction.)


Over the long term, I'd keep track of, and download future versions from,
developvnc.org; for now, they seem to be where the nifty new stuff is
most likely to be released, and the extra features at tightvnc.org
are (I imagine) temporary.  Activity along the tightvnc development
thread is mostly over, near as I can tell.

Tridia also seemed to incorporate the x0rfbserver stuff for a while,
and the hexonet stuff has a unix version with scaling.  But that
thread of code seems to have died out; no active work for a year
or so, and x0rfbserver seems to have been dropped from the tridia
development thread.  Be nice to have scaling work properly.  Oh well.


Wayne Throop   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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