[demime could not interpret encoding quoted-printable X-Authenticated: david -
treating as plain text]
Hi !!
> > I never get the dtlogin screen, but I managed to get dt running, BUT =
no w=3D
> > indow has caption, so I cannot move/resize it.
> =
> Try setting and exporting your DISPLAY variable and then starting dtwm =
(/usr/dt/bin/dtwm, I think).
Not necessary, CDE is working for me, but:
- dtlogin does not work when I start Xvnc with -query localhost
- I telnet to the box, start vncserver, connect to it, do some things and=
disconnect from vnc and close the telnet session. Xvnc is still running=
on the
box, but when I try to connect to vnc again I only get a gray screen wi=
th a cross
mouse pointer (that's exactly the same I get when running vncserver wit=
h -query
Maybe both problems are related :?
Best regards ...
David Saez Padros e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On-Line Services 2000 S.L. =
Trafalgar 78 2=BA 2=AA B voice +34 93 315 15 93
08010 Barcelona (Spain) movil +34 670 35 27 53 =
http://www.ols.es fax +34 93 268 35 90
http://www.ols.es/~david/ =
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