[demime could not interpret encoding quoted-printable X-Authenticated: david  - 
treating as plain text]
Hi !!

> If you've 'hardened' your system as thoroughly as it sounds, you've pro=
> gotten rid of your CDE login server; that would explain why you don't s=
> the login screen.  There should be an instance of dtlogin running as a
> daemon
> eg          root   367     1  0   Mar 20 ?        0:05 /usr/dt/bin/dtlo=
> -daemon
> =

> This is watching a socket that Xvnc connects to when it starts with the=

> -query switch.

I take care of this, dtlogin is running on my system, but it logs memory
errors in PAM when I use -query localhost. BTW, this is not a problem for=

me as I don't need this feature.

Thanx & Best regards ...

Windows practical joke: Write a program that works.

     David Saez Padros                  e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     On-Line Services 2000 S.L.         =

     Trafalgar 78 2=BA 2=AA B               voice   +34 93 315 15 93
     08010 Barcelona (Spain)            movil   +34 670 35 27 53      =

     http://www.ols.es                  fax     +34 93 268 35 90
     http://www.ols.es/~david/   =

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