Hi David

I got the following message from Steve Palocz.  Following his suggestion, I
did the following script to start Xvnc directly (ie not by running
vncserver), and it seems to work very well.  My Solaris is in English, so if
you are having problems with Spanish fonts, this may not be of much help.

# Start Xvnc server running Solaris CDE

/usr/local/bin/Xvnc :1 -geometry 1024x704 -depth 8 -once -query localhost \
             -httpd /usr/local/vnc/classes -httpport 5801 -dontdisconnect \
             -fp tcp/localhost:7100 -auth /.Xauthority                    \
    >> $LOG 2>&1



Try it and see if it helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Palocz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 10:12 AM
Subject: RE: Getting Solaris 2.7 CDE going ...

Hey Tom,
I can help with this.
Don't use vncserver use Xvnc. As vncserver is just a perl script.
the -query options is great. I use it here for all my solaris servers.
Basically what it does is hook into the x ports just like exceed, but as
a thin stateless client.

The exact command is as follows. all on one line

#/usr/local/bin/Xvnc :1 -geometry 800x600 -depth 16 -once -query
localhost -httpd /usr/local/vnc/classes -httpport 5801 -dontdisconnect -fp
tcp/localhost:7100 -auth /.Xauthority

That is it.

:1 tells it display one or port 5901
-geometry can be set to whatever you prefer 1024x768 ...
-depth solaris only likes 16 bit
-once for server then exit
-query is for the x connection (same as exceed uses just thin client).
-httpd tells it where the classes files are stored for java connections.
-httpport is the http port 5801
-dontdisconnect when another user tries this port
-fp font path. Solaris serves this info on port 7100
-auth is temp info for permissions (this file might need to be created.
touch /.Xauthority)

you can also add -nevershared so no one can look in. As well as a password
on the connection.

Now I put this in a file with the second line as $0 to call the file again.
Note no &. This is so when you click exit on the panel, it will start a new
I also put a file in /etc/rc2.d called S98vnc to start my scripts.
Note you will have to make a script per server.
Also this works well as it makes it stateless unlike the -inetd option.

Type Xvnc -help for a list of options.

Where to read. It isn't documented.

You can also auto start from /etc/dt/config/xservers but it suffers from
some dtlogin
problems ocationally and you have to restart the whole openwin system to
fix. not just
one server.

Hope this helps. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate.

Steve Palocz

-----Original Message-----
From: David Saez Padros [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: Getting Solaris 2.7 CDE going ...

[demime could not interpret encoding quoted-printable X-Authenticated: david
- treating as plain text]
Hi !!

> 2) I saw the message "RE: Solaris 2.7 CDE issues" from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> dated a day or two ago, and tried adding "-query <host>" to the vncserver
> script.  It helped, in that I now get the CDE login screen and can enter
> name/password.  But it only gets to the CDE splash screen then sits with
> hourglass cursor "forever" (till patience runs out).

I'm having the same problem ... Do you have a localized Solaris or Solaris
english ?? As I could investigate I think it's a problem with fonts, look at
dt logs on /.dt and vnc logs, maybe you can guess what is the problem, the
I could get is the windows without caption and whithout the possibility to

Best regards ..

     David Saez Padros                  e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     On-Line Services 2000 S.L.         
     Trafalgar 78 2=BA 2=AA B               voice   +34 93 315 15 93
     08010 Barcelona (Spain)            movil   +34 670 35 27 53     
     http://www.ols.es                  fax     +34 93 268 35 90
     http://www.ols.es/~david/   =

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