[demime could not interpret encoding quoted-printable X-Authenticated: david  - 
treating as plain text]
Hi !!

> I got the following message from Steve Palocz.  Following his suggestio=
n, I
> did the following script to start Xvnc directly (ie not by running
> vncserver), and it seems to work very well.  My Solaris is in English, =
so if
> you are having problems with Spanish fonts, this may not be of much hel=

Does not work for me :(

BTW yesterday night I get it working ok, but with no dtlogin screen. The =
I had may be related to the fact that I take some security mesaures remov=
setuid files, almost all services in inetd and some ones in rc2.d. The op=
-query localhost never worked for me (have tried lots of possibilities), =
but now
I can run my CDE. One of the problems that I have found is about the font=
I have it properly activated in inetd.conf (fsadmin -e) but it seems to n=
ot being
working (fsinfo -server localhost gives an error). I fixed it running xfs=
 -port 8000
and changing to -fp tcp/localhost:8000 in vncserver script and on my xsta=
rtup script:


xsetroot -solid black
LC_TYPE=3Des LANG=3Des /usr/dt/bin/Xsession

This gives me my localized desktop without problems.

About the fact that I never succeed to have dtlogin running I got some di=
agnostic errors
that could help somebody to fix it:

automountd[124]: [ID 305627 daemon.debug] self_check: unknown host: .DtDi=
ttsession[15458]: [ID 862433 daemon.error] child (15911) exited due to si=
gnal 1

Those errors always come togehter, very strange thing with automountd :?
I also have memory errors produced by dtlogin on PAM.

Thanx & best regards ...

     David Saez Padros                  e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     On-Line Services 2000 S.L.         =

     Trafalgar 78 2=BA 2=AA B               voice   +34 93 315 15 93
     08010 Barcelona (Spain)            movil   +34 670 35 27 53      =

     http://www.ols.es                  fax     +34 93 268 35 90
     http://www.ols.es/~david/   =

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