> For what it's worth, winddi.h and the other headers needed to make
> SetDDIHook work are from the 95/98 DDK, since this involves hooking calls
> destined for the device driver.
Aha. I wonder my Microsoft didn't tell me that when I asked? ;)
> Win2000 (and maybe ME?) uses DDML, the Display Driver Management Layer, at
> least according to Beta 3 of the 2000DDK. I have been unable to download
> the 67MB final DDK to see if it is present in the final release.
It's a feature present in NT from SP3 and upwards, I think. It's little
more than a hack to get GDI calls passed to multiple drivers.
> Just trying to diseminate as much info as I can find in the hopes that
> someone will find the magic clue that lets RAdmin and Remote-Anything run
> so fast, so that it can be placed in VNC...
RAdmin just uses the DDML system, which just passes all graphics calls to
multiple graphics drivers, one of which is a hooking one.
James "Wez" Weatherall
"The path to enlightenment is /usr/bin/enlightenment"
Laboratory for Communications Engineering, Cambridge - Tel : 766513
AT&T Labs Cambridge, UK - Tel : 343000
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