So, if I just send the drawing request(like drawline, BitBlt etc) with the
bounding rectangle then WinVNC would be able to do the rest.
I am intersted to know what would be the performance gains.
-----Original Message-----
From: James ''Wez'' Weatherall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: GDI DLL Wrapper
On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Sharma, Shashi wrote:
> Hi,
> I am interested in writing a Wrapper DLL over GDI in order to trap the
> graphics update. I am familiar with PE format and have patched few DLLs,
> however, I have little idea how will the WinVNC uses this information.
> I propose the following.
> 1. Write a DLL GDI32.DLL with all the function of MS supplied GDI
> 2. Each function in the new DLL does the following. Write to a named pipe
> the following structure
> CARD16 length; //lenght of the structure
> CARD32 processID; // process id
> CARD32 threadID; // thread ID
> BYTE funcName[SOME_LEN]; // function name
> ARGS1 // first argument to the function
> ...
> ...
> ARGS1, ARG2 are the arugment to the original function.
> 3. After writing to the pipe, the function calls the original function
> the MS DLL.
> So, if someone is intersted in working on the WinVNC stuff I will help put
> up the GDI wrapper DLL.
If you can make the DLL only send data for functions that have been
requested to send hook data, using a set of flag bits, then the idea
sounds reasonable. I'm not sure how well it will work in practice,
though. WinVNC is really just interested in knowing when an area of the
display bitmap has been written to (we can leave CopyRect for later).
James "Wez" Weatherall
Laboratory for Communications Engineering, Cambridge - Tel : 766513
AT&T Labs Cambridge, UK - Tel : 343000
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