On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Sharma, Shashi wrote:

> So, if I just send the drawing request(like drawline, BitBlt etc)  with the
> bounding rectangle then WinVNC would be able to do the rest.
> I am intersted to know what would be the performance gains.

Considerable.  WinVNC could completely avoid checking the supplied update
rectangles for changes - it could assume that they had definitely changed.
It would also catch more display updates, producing fewer graphical
glitches.  It would involve a suitable GDI32.DLL patch (assuming that this
approach will work without breaking things) and a new VNCHooks.dll to use
the new hooks.


James "Wez" Weatherall
Laboratory for Communications Engineering, Cambridge - Tel : 766513
AT&T Labs Cambridge, UK                              - Tel : 343000
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