In a message dated 3/10/2001 3:19:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,
Perhaps you are talking about DDML....
Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 4.0 introduces new functionality called the
Display Driver Management Layer that allows installation of multiple
concurrent display drivers. Each loaded display driver receives identical
calls from GDI in succession. This functionality should be particularly
useful for screen readers, as it eliminates the need to intercept display
driver calls going to the main video driver."
<< Since it does not exist in gdi32.lib, I wonder exactly how it works, and if
it actually catches everything. I bet it catches all GDI calls, but
doesn't catch any of the DirectDraw or WinG calls. However, the
documentation specifically states that it works in 95 AND 98, so if it was
a "typo" it was the biggest bloody typo I've ever seen. 2000 has a
different system, which I will report as soon as I find the name of it
again, which does the same thing, but in an incompatible way (of course...
They couldn't do the 16 bit DLL thing in 2000).
This system is also available in NT 4, SP4 or higher >>
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