> >I asked Microsoft about why a header file for this was missing and they
> >said that it is a mistake in the SDK docs - there is no such API.
> It isn't part of the Win32 API.  It is part of the Active Accessibility
> SDK, like I said.

Oh, I see.  So you think the Active Accessibility SDK version works?  The
impression I got from Microsoft was that the DDI stuff was deprecated.  If
it's likely to dissappear in a future release f Active Accessibility then
I'm loath to use it.

> You can write your own header from the documentation given, and then link
> against gdi.lib to gain linkage to the actual function.

Oh.  So they still don't give you the header?  *sigh*

> You'll probably also need the 95/98 DDK (Driver Development Kit) to get
> access and documentation for the actual calls that get passed through this
> interface.

I think that's whay I was keen to get hold of the actual API header
originally and not just hack it.

> Since it does not exist in gdi32.lib, I wonder exactly how it works, and
> it actually catches everything.

You build a 16-bit DLL to use it.  I'm not sure whether or not you can call
it from 32-bit code.

  I bet it catches all GDI calls, but
> doesn't catch any of the DirectDraw or WinG calls.

I'm not sure sure.  It claims to hook at a lower level than that.

  However, the
> documentation specifically states that it works in 95 AND 98, so if it was
> a "typo" it was the biggest bloody typo I've ever seen.

I thought those docs were marked "provisional".  They didn't use the word
"typo" but they made it clear they didn't want people to use it.

> 2000 has a
> different system, which I will report as soon as I find the name of it
> again, which does the same thing, but in an incompatible way (of course...
> They couldn't do the 16 bit DLL thing in 2000).

There was supposed to be a unified hooking scheme called SDDP, I think, or
something similar.  It never materialised, though.

> This system is also available in NT 4, SP4 or higher.

Aha.  Well, that system may be the Active Accessibility API, which I'm
tinkering with right now, as it happens.


James Weatherall
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