I dont think they are handled even in the original WinVNC code. I have no
idea about DirectX api but I think the same idea can be used by wrapping the
appropriate DLL.

In addition to the idea mentioned in the previous mail, I think I have to
probably send the process/thread  death messages to the WinVNC
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Lyon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 7:13 AM
Subject: RE: GDI DLL Wrapper

What about non gdi updates? Directdraw etc?

-----Original Message-----
From: Sharma, Shashi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 08 March 2001 15:06
Subject: GDI DLL Wrapper

I am interested in writing a Wrapper DLL over GDI in order to trap the
graphics update. I am familiar with PE format and have patched few DLLs,
however, I have little idea how will the WinVNC uses this information. 

I propose the following.
1. Write a DLL GDI32.DLL with all the function of MS supplied GDI functions.
2. Each function in the new DLL does the following. Write to a named pipe
the following structure
        CARD16 length; //lenght of the structure
        CARD32 processID; // process id
        CARD32 threadID; // thread ID
        BYTE  funcName[SOME_LEN]; // function name
        ARGS1 // first argument to the function
ARGS1, ARG2 are the arugment to the original function. 
3. After writing to the pipe, the function calls the original function from
the MS DLL.

So, if someone is intersted in working on the WinVNC stuff I will help put
up the GDI wrapper DLL.
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