On 07/14/2011 03:53 PM, James McKenzie wrote:

> Gnome 2 is now offically dead

 Fine i agree whole heartedly .. that leaves ..

> Now, back to what I said earlier.  YOU, the Linux user, have a CHOICE
> of desktop/window managers.  YOU should avail yourself of this

 Ok then - so then the debate here should not be about gnome 3 missing
features - we all agree - that should be an upstream discussion.

 The discussion should turn to what the default desktop should be - in
the past it was  gnome 2 - gnome 2 is dead and we now have 4 desktop
managers to choose among (gnome 3 being just one).

 So - lets choose the default desktop manager for fedora from among:

   Gnome 3
   ? Other?

 How do we go about changing from gnome 2 to one of the above- since
gnome 3 is not gnome 2 it should be on equal footing from above list -
should this be by a vote on a website - discussion - fesco - what?

  What is the best mechanism for the fedora community to choose the
default desktop?

  May the best desktop win :-)
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