Tim wrote:
> I don't...  They all (Linux too) seem to be heading for being some sort
> of iPad clone.  Being all the more inappropriate for trying to use a
> touch-screen type of interface, when you don't have a touch-screen.
> They're also being painful as far as multi-tasking is concerned.
> Wacking great big oversized GUIs for things, so you can't use two or
> three applications side by side.  You have to window shuffle.
> Starting things from the icons on the desktop background, so you have to
> get your windows out of the way to get to the icons.  Having to search
> for your program, because there isn't a structured menu (either one
> that's categorised, or one that doesn't keep re-arranging the order that
> things and jumbled together).

This is exactly one what I think about Gnome 3 - maybe good for
PADs, but tedious for power desktop users with many installed and
simultaneously running apps.
Golden Gnome 2!

Franta Hanzlik
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