On 07/14/2011 09:53 PM, James McKenzie wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Frantisek Hanzlik<fra...@hanzlici.cz>  
> wrote:
>> Tim wrote:

> Now, back to what I said earlier.  YOU, the Linux user, have a CHOICE
> of desktop/window managers.

> YOU should avail yourself of this
> feature.  If you want to 'resurect' Gnome2, you are more than welcome
> to.  It is after all, GPL/LGPL licensed and you should be free to spin
> off whatever you want.  However, do not expect the Gnome support team
> to help in your efforts.

YOU, the Gnome devs, should learn that you have turned the product we 
loved into an entirely different product and are not addressing us - 
your users' demands - anymore.

YOU, the Gnome devs, have left us - your user-base - Your liberty, your 
choice, your

As Alan said earlier in this thread, may-be Gnome 3.2 will have matured 
into a shape it's worth looking into again, may-be you will have found a 
significantly large user-base, may-be you will have vanished.

One thing is sure: Your new user-base will not be your current (old) 

> For all concerned:  The goal behind some of the moves you folks see in
> desktops is to move more users to Linux vice 'that other stuff'.

I do not share this opinion - It's naive wishful thinking, IMO:

I'd expect oeople, who are attracted by the kind of GUI, Gnome 3 tries 
to implement, to choose the original, i.e. Apple, Microsoft or Google's 
products over Gnome 3  (which means them not ot use Linux).

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