On 07/13/2011 10:32 AM, Tim wrote:
> Hmmph...  Then goes ahead and does something that's likely to do so.
> Statements, like that, are similar to:  With all due respect...
> And:  I don't mean to be critical, but...

That's not how I read it.  It looked to me as though the OP was asking 
us our opinion of the article, especially when compared to the recent 
changes in Gnome.  The most important difference, IMO, is the fact that 
with Gnome, if you really don't like the changes or aren't interested in 
that particular kind of change, you can always try a different DE and 
probably find one that works the way you like.  If you get a computer 
with Windows 8 and it works the way the article describes, you have no 
choice if you stick with Windows.  Just as there are people who love 
Gnome 3, there will people who would love that kind of a GUI for 
Windows, and that's great.  And, of course, there are those who don't 
like them at first but will either learn to like them or at least to 
adapt to them and that's also fine.  In the long run, the Linux Desktop 
evolves, following Darwin's maxim.  Not, however, the way it's usually 
misquoted, but as originally written: "Survival of the fit."  (Survival 
of the fittest is neither what he wrote or intended.  If only the 
fittest survived and bred, few species would be able to survive long 
enough to become the fittest; being fit to survive is all it takes.) 
Thus, any DE that does what people need can survive in the Linux 
universe as long as there are people who like the way it works, and 
users are free to look around until they find the one that's best for 
them and if that article is right, that freedom may be the "killer app" 
that brings large numbers of average users away from the Dark Side.
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