Roelof 'Ben' Kusters <web <at>> writes:

> ... 
> > One thing is sure: Your new user-base will not be your current (old)  
> > user-base.
> ...
> I adore Gnome3. It is where
> computing is going, like it or not. What we now know as desktops will in
> the not so very distant future be used only for servers and other large
> storage devices. Computing will be entirely mobile, and envision a little
> device on your collar (possibly in combination with glasses, but
> preferably without) that reads and responds to your arm movements, and
> projects your computing environment in front/around you. A keyboard will
> no longer be a physical thing, it'll be projected on the surface in front
> of you... Gnome3 is - although far from there - going in that direction.
> It is - like stated elsewhere - very suitable for PADs (I call them
> tablets, but whatever). On Desktops it's very possible to multitask btw,
> as long as you have a rather wide display... Then you don't need
> everything full screen. :)
> The movements needed for use of Gnome3 are very much Grab and Drag. I can
> see myself doing this sitting in the garden with a matchbox strapped to my
> collar...
> ...

I am glad you posted it here ... I have had an itch to poke around it for
quite some time :-)

In their infinite wisdom to find new sources of revenue, new catwalks are
constructed and new clowns are at work.

And as a result of that, all those servers, PCs, notebooks, and all software
that's run on them, will just disappear, substituted by "clouds" and PDA's.

And only some Amazonian tribes will stick to them, confused, while looking
into sky "clouds" thru their "windows" and waiting for the Gods who once
promised to come back and save them ...

All these and similar wild-ass predictions, "re-engineering", and other fads
that have mostly originated in "La La Land", in the persuit of opportunistic
profits, "progress", "improvement", "saving capitalism", etc only resulted in
progressive destruction of the West, its industrial and engineering base, and
its people in the last 20 years or so.

Let's consider just a few reality checks.

Start with year 2000 and beyond "for a change", and also consider these
pertinent and recent financial results and corporate stories related to those
hand-held devices (check their stock prices !): RIM, Nokia, Motorola (split),
to name a few.

If that's not enough, these same wild-ass pranksters assume that "cloud
computing" is or will be the answer.
Again, with those hand-held devices playing a major role ...

Just imagine all those happy corporate customers putting their business like
big and mid iron worldwide customer software and databases on and behind those
"clouds", abandoning their current model of business of maintainig corporate
data, development centers, and their own skilled employees, and in persuit of
total happiness letting their worldwide customers twit and sex text until they
drop dead ... !

What about the security of those "clouds" ?
What about the privacy of those "clouds" ?
Many "what about" questions that would have to be asked !

And do not forget the outsourcing of production, engineering, and services !

We will just write put and calls, futures, and other derivative instruments
we do not have a slightest clue about and that blow in our faces (but have
received Nobel price recognition), and just happily practice "mass
copulations" every couple of years, "for a change" :-)

Yea, only in Amerika, and those nitwit European corporate states :-)

A sorry state of mind of corporate and computing luminaries, the microcosm of
which is represented by GNOME 3, Unity, Windows 8 GUI, and others ...


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