On Thu, 2011-07-14 at 14:18 -0700, James McKenzie wrote:
> > I agree with you that Gnome2 is dead but someone has to explain why
> a
> > feature like holding the ALT key is necessary to power off in the
>  User
> > Menu. It seems to me there was room in the original list for a Power
> off
> > option.
> >
> > I think that there is general agreement among the majority of F15
> users
> > other than the Gnome developers that there are aspects of Gnome3
> that
> > are just plain screwy.
> This is definitely not one of those things that should exist.  Maybe
> the team feels that a new user would not understand what 'power off'
> means.  I would find that insulting as a new Linux user coming from
> the other world.  I think this is the wrong way to deal with this.  I
> have not had the time to look at Gnome3 yet, but this makes me less
> likely to do so from an engineering/quality assurance/user experience
> view point.  BTW, do they have a 'do you really want to do this'
> dialog or does Gnome3 go immediately into power down mode?
You have the usual dialog about what you really want too do.
Dishonor will not trouble me, once I am dead. -- Euripides
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akons...@sbcglobal.net

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