On 07/13/2011 08:54 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 16:04:12 +0000 (UTC)
> JB wrote:
>> Some of these Ubuntu and Unity frustrated users are so clueless that they 
>> seek
>> a remedy by wanting to move to Fedora ...
>> There are some wolves waiting for them: GNOME 3, systemd, ... :-)
> Have you tried Unity?
Yes, I did.

> I didn't think it was possible to make
> a more absurd user interface than Gnome 3 right up until
> I tried Unity, then Gnome 3 suddenly looked like sheer
> genius in comparison.

IMO, unity and Gnome 3 have both pros and cons in details, while sharing 
the same absurd mindset overall - A choice between "pest or colera", as 
we say in German.

Anyway, on my netbook, unity appears to be less unusable as Gnome 3 to 
me. On desktops, I would have to lie to find any of them compelling.


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