> [tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r
> What irritates me, and others, was that we found Gnome 2 to be just
> about what we wanted, in a myriad of ways.  But Gnome 3 is just too
> different that we now need to find something else that is how Gnome 2
> used to be.  Or, jumping distros to one of the long-term ones, that
> still uses Gnome 2, and doesn't do major package updates within its
> lifespan.
> We're back to finding the "least objectionable" out of several choices.
> Which doesn't bode well for software design, in general, when that's
> your method of choosing something, rather than looking for "the best."
> Unfortunately, that seems to be par for the course.
> I see the sense in pushing the boundaries for high end computing.  I
> don't see the sense in making low end computing require high end
> hardware.  What's low end computing?  Email, web browsing, not playing
> video games.  It's just gross inefficiency to require a 4 GHz computer
> to do that.

This is similar to what i tried to say on gnome-shell mailing list, if
you want take a look; also i appreciated that someone other noticed
the similarities between gnome-shell and ipad-tablet devices, and how
it is not very comfortable:

>This is exactly one what I think about Gnome 3 - maybe good for
>PADs, but tedious for power desktop users with many installed and
>simultaneously running apps.
>Golden Gnome 2!
>Franta Hanzlik

if you want take a look to recent gnome-shell "gnome and android"
thread http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-shell-list/2011-July/msg00108.html

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