Messages by Thread
Negative Lookahead and Regexp
Steve Amerige
Macrodef and If
Steve Amerige
Next Ant Release?
Perrier, Nathan
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Compress Antlib 1.1 Released
Stefan Bodewig
difference between unzip task and unzip executable
Justin Georgeson
sql syntax error
Piotr Gawłowski
AUTO: Maureen Troendle is out of the office. (returning 11/07/2011)
Maureen Troendle
Load property value from build.xml to
Vinodh Kumar
Ant fixcrlf
Windows Network Path
Perrier, Nathan
Checking if a Target Exists
Steve Amerige
mysql error
Piotr Gawłowski
Using zipfileset and exporting targets
Daniel Becroft
General Concept Question
wrong week number
Question re Javadoc task
Target Execution Sequence
ProjectHelper2 fails to close input source after parsing imported document?
Steele, Richard
Having trouble using replaceregexp with DIR locations as string to replace
problem using "<replaceregexp>" when using with DIRECTORY location
BUILD FAILED "Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK" ...
Albretch Mueller
How do I get a property treated as a value rather than a location?
trouble fetching Ant dependencies -- getting HTTP 403 forbidden
Aleksey Tsalolikhin
Set properties based on Operating System.
Nagesh S
<copy/> does not "preservelastmodified" on directories.
Cyril Sagan
Generating Ant Documentation
Steve Amerige
Possible reasons for failing to find XJC task class
Ant output to console by running Java program
bug Hello World tutorial. Integration with JUnit
Leandro Coutinho
How to remove ctrl-M characters in unix files
NPE thrown from ProjectHelper2.parse() when parsing from URL
Steele, Richard
Ant exec task not writing STDOUT to console or to file in Windows.
Nagesh S
Need help to get condition working
Danny T.
Question about taking input from stdin in forked process
Has ant an built in java compiler?
Beat Meier
How can I pass -Xlint to javac ?
Beat Meier
Martin Gainty
Martin Gainty
Best graphing utility for Ant-scripts
Kent Larsson
java task reformats build.xml
Vaclav Barta
variable number of link element in javadoc
Shawn Castrianni
Ant not respecting JAVA_HOME
Brian FitzGerald
Newbie: <javac> task can't find my source files
Task to access (r/w) Preferences API
Performance of fileset containing a large number of files
Julien LF
Problems using properties containing multiple dollar signs.
Holman, Chris
record doesn't, in case of a crash?
Echlin, Robert
[ANNOUNCE] Apache AntUnit 1.2 Released
Stefan Bodewig
Are multiple targets run in order, or in parallel?
Echlin, Robert
Re: Are multiple targets run in order, or in parallel?
Scot P. Floess
Re: Are multiple targets run in order, or in parallel?
Dominique Devienne
RE: Are multiple targets run in order, or in parallel?
Echlin, Robert
RE: Are multiple targets run in order, or in parallel?
Echlin, Robert
Re: Are multiple targets run in order, or in parallel?
Dominique Devienne
Re: Are multiple targets run in order, or in parallel?
kasim ahmed
Re: Are multiple targets run in order, or in parallel?
Joe Attardi
RE: Are multiple targets run in order, or in parallel?
Echlin, Robert
Mail task on Target failure