Messages by Thread
AUTO: Maureen Troendle is out of the office. (returning 08/18/2011)
Maureen Troendle
Sql task and rowcountproperty
Miras Bastien
ftp task and Java 7
Joe Black
Re: Export Control Data for your product
Stefan Bodewig
Exec on Windows is not fired if ant started from sinatra
Radek Simcik
<ftp> target does not fail if file does not exist.
Oleksandr Gavenko
Commons Compress 1.2 Released
Stefan Bodewig
Problems with classloader
junit task xml output omits failure message if it contains the word " more"?
Bob Billings
Unable to override system properties with 1.8.2
Nate Drake
Re: Question about excludes
Tim Brown
Bug 50894: Invoking multiple targets that share the same dependency to augment a path causes NullPointerException
Steele, Richard
AW: Is <sequential> required within a <for> block?
Knuplesch, Juergen
execute script in background with ANT
RE: optional depends for targets
David Sills
AW: optional depends for targets
Knuplesch, Juergen
Beginner question: Ant+ Eclipse + script-task: BSF's & Rhino E4X issue
Bart van der Schoor
Deleteing Diretories by date (that contain files with different dates)
Including JARs and Class files
Arpe, Kevin C
Problem deleting a file
andy . ling
ant exec task message priority
Adam Bruss
ant java task debugging problem
[ANN] Animal Sniffer version 1.7 Released
Stephen Connolly
Re: ivy:buildlist and parallizing build
Tim Brown
Equivalent: <ant
Steve Amerige
Making another xml file read properties file
taskdef A class needed by class X cannot be found: Task
Robert Larsen
C, C# and Ivy - Publishing binaries and many supporting files
Peter Kahn
Classloader not collected using junit4 in ant 1.8.1
Markus Oley
Hide password in java ant task
Muralidhar Manku
Copy a file from an smb network location to a local one
Josh Williams
Eclipse @category for Ant?
Steve Amerige
How to define a path according to a property
Gao Lin
Fwd: Reminder: TAC Assistance to ApacheCon NA 2011 closes July 8th
Matt Benson
Re: different patterns per configuration
passing paramter to eclipse arguments
kasim ahmed
Syntax for Names: target, property, macrodef, etc.
Steve Amerige
Re: Syntax for Names: target, property, macrodef, etc.
Dominique Devienne
Re: Syntax for Names: target, property, macrodef, etc.
Steve Amerige
Re: Syntax for Names: target, property, macrodef, etc.
Dominique Devienne
Re: Syntax for Names: target, property, macrodef, etc.
Matt Benson
Re: Syntax for Names: target, property, macrodef, etc.
Steve Amerige
Re: Syntax for Names: target, property, macrodef, etc.
Matt Benson
Re: Syntax for Names: target, property, macrodef, etc.
Steve Amerige
Re: Syntax for Names: target, property, macrodef, etc.
Stefan Bodewig
AUTO: Mike Nellis - IBM Rational Software - On Vacation 26 May (returning 07/01/2011)
Michael R Nellis
Including something from Ant contrib
Ant 1.8.3alpha: <exec> task fails to handle quotes within quotes command lines
David Parks
Storing RegEx In Properties Files?
Tennis Smith
Re: LDAP ant tasks
Hendy Irawan
Junit report for multiple projects
kasim ahmed
Programatic ANT: Export Build.xml
Dark Before Dawn
Zipfileset on classpath
Jeff Crump
why is ivy publishing descriptor to other repository?
Jefferson Magno Solfarello
ANT 1.8.2 + JUnit error
Csatári János
RE: Transitive dependencies?
Garner, Shawn
Ant properties
[Announce] Flaka 1.2.2 released
Gilbert Rebhan
kasim ahmed
[Ant customizable task]dependencies
Japaniese character not supporting in ANT
ant target for junit
kasim ahmed
javadoc for own tasks
Grüner Heinrich
questions on ivy usage/setup
Garner, Shawn
How to express a dependency on something like Gdata?
James Apfel
How change variable based on environment variable value
Brian McCann
verifying encoding value using xmlvalidate task
dominic Tippabattuni
Re: IvyDE Workspace Resolver
Travel Assistance applications open for ApacheCon North America 2011
Matt Benson
Newbie question, error fetching dependences
Fabio Souto
- package does not exist
references id names stored in properties
Knuplesch, Juergen
I need the comments in the scripts to be omitted at the time of building war files
Do things based on project success or failure
Eric Fetzer
Remote ant - when run
Build failed, fetch.xml not working
Question regarding UTF-8 and property files
Rob J