On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 5:12 AM, Julien LF <lefoll.jul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2011/8/18 Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org>:
>> Depends on which version of Ant you use.  Unless it is 1.8.2 upgrading
>> could help as we've improved scanning perfromance with almost every
>> release.
> I have some environments stuck with Java 1.3 so i planned to use Ant 1.7.1.
> I gave Ant 1.8.2 a try (I should have tried that from the start
> obviously, sorry) and the performance gain was tremendous as the task
> when from 42 minutes to 9 minutes.
>> Another thing to look at is the way you describe your include/exclude
>> patterns, if there are any, that is.  Patterns that exclude
>> whole trees from the root like foo/bar/** can be used to improve
>> performance significantly as Ant can skip the whole tree (which it
>> didn't do properly before 1.8.2 BTW), for example.
>> If there are no patterns at all (default excludes?) or they cannot be
>> used to shortcut walking the directory tree (**/*.foo) than I don't have
>> any other idea what you could do.
> I don't use any include/exclude patterns so what I could do is make a
> wrapper script to set the Java path to a newer version in order to be
> able to use ant 1.8.1, but some of my tasks call our app which
> requires Java 1.3.

You have an app that will *only* run on Java 1.3?  :/


> I'll look into separating the tasks into targets called by the wrapper.
> Thanks a lot,
> Julien
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