On 2011-08-16, Echlin, Robert wrote:

> I don't have a log file for the process that crashed.
> It seems that the "record" element does not write a file if Ant exits before 
> the "record stop" is reached.
> Is that correct?


<record> writes to a PrintStream wrapped around a FileOutputStream (if
you specifiy a file name) and flushes that after each taskFinished and
targetFinished event, so something should actually end up inside the
file - unless everything is buffered internally and flush doesn't change
that, which would be strange.

> Anything I can do to fix this in my Ant code?

I assume you are trying to figure out why the process crashes so some
one-time changes should be OK.

You could try to close the file and re-open it between two tasks
(i.e. use <record> with stop immediately followed by start and


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