On 2011-11-09, Perrier, Nathan wrote:

> How about merging antcontrib into antcore (I'm sure this has been
> discussed, but I'm out of the loop)?

This has soo many angles.

Let's start with the fact that many of the tasks have been rejectes as
parts of Ant's core (conceptually) long ago.  I was one of the people
who rejected them (and I have written the initial version of
antcontrib's if task, BTW) and still think they'll lead to people using
<foreach> or <if> where a better solution exists.

Then you need to realize that the people behind Antcontrib are not the
same as those behind Ant.  Antcontrib is goverened in a completely
different way from Ant (benevolent dictator versus Apache-style
consensus driven development).


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