On 04/18/2016 12:00 PM, Pavel Machek wrote:
> Hi!
>>> Hi!
>>>> Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc/usbphy@0 has a unit name,
>>>>  but no reg property
>>> I don't know who produces the warnings, but perhaps fix the tool,
>>> instead?
>> This warnigns poping up with new DTC compilers, introduced from dtc
>> commit:
> IMO compiler should be fixed.

The commit is pretty clear on why the compiler is right.
Do you have a counter-argument ?

>>     ePAPR 1.1 section "Node Name Requirements" specifies
>> that any
> This is arm. This is not powerpc. It is 2016, not 1997.

Old does not imply incorrect.

>>>> -          usbphy0: usbphy@0 {
>>>> +          usbphy0: usbphy {
>>>>                    #phy-cells = <0>;
>>>>                    compatible = "usb-nop-xceiv";
>>>>                    status = "okay";
>>> And this sounds like a bug waiting to happen..
>> Better fix would be to add the reg property .. could you help me?
> Introduce fake "reg" property to shut up warning?
> I guess this should be solved on the kernel list

Bringing it up on the DT discuss is a good idea.

> and I believe the
> warnings are wrong.
> Best regards,
>                                                                       Pavel

Best regards,
Marek Vasut
U-Boot mailing list

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