Messages by Thread
[tor-relays] Relay Bandwidth Limit
[tor-relays] Discuss. Why not split donations to Tor relay owners?
[tor-relays] snowflake prometheus metrics listen address
Fran via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Does Tor itself estimate how it can run as quota-utilizing as possible?
[tor-relays] Tor Weather : Node-Flag [Guard] Alert
denny . obreham
[tor-relays] Bridge with iat-mode=2 very slow
Split via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Grafana dashboards
Toralf Förster
[tor-relays] Quick bugfix sharing regarding obfs4 malfunctioning
[tor-relays] (Last call) Bridges running obsolete Tor version (0.4.5.x) to be removed soon
[tor-relays] Running a high-performance pluggable transports Tor bridge (FOCI 2023 short paper)
David Fifield
[tor-relays] relayor v23.2.0 is released
[tor-relays] Exit Relays: What is your DNS timeout rate?
[tor-relays] Running an exit relay in Italy
Eldalië via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Tor Relay Operator meetup @ CCCamp 2023 - Saturday 19th @ 7pm
[tor-relays] WebTunnel: What ASNs/networks work best?
tor-home at
[tor-relays] Tor-Bridge
tor--- via tor-relays
[tor-relays] EFF's university Tor relay campaign
Roger Dingledine
[tor-relays] short conntrack DDoS attack
Toralf Förster
[tor-relays] Tor Relay in Kubernetes cluster
Daniel Nikoloski via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Middle relay IP blocking
Eldalië via tor-relays
Re: [tor-relays] tor-relays Digest, Vol 150, Issue 13
amanyaz Amangeldiyew
[tor-relays] How do I set up a conjure Bridge?
Poojith Bestha
[tor-relays] Receiving abuse reports for Non-Exit Relay
John Crow via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Is there a way to update obfs4 using chocklatey?
Keifer Bly
[tor-relays] Final Call: Last Opportunity to Participate in the Tor Update Survey - Closes Tomorrow!
Meitong Wang via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Friendly Reminder: Tor Relay Operators' Survey Closes on 23rd July - Last Chance to Participate!
Meitong Wang via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Wrong "first seen" flag for bridges at
[tor-relays] Question regarding bandwidth ratio on and a few further, small, (probably related) questions
[tor-relays] Instructions for setting up an Obfs4 bridge on windows
[tor-relays] 8 relays pers IP address are allowed from now (end of June 2023) on
Georg Koppen
[tor-relays] (Announcement) WebTunnel, a new pluggable transport for bridges, now available for deployment
[tor-relays] Process for new policies and proposals for the Tor relay operator community (
[tor-relays] Attempting to create a relay with Orbot
[tor-relays] AROI not getting verified
chani via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Do they use their own modem/router?
xmrk2 via tor-relays
Re: [tor-relays] Comcast blocks ALL traffic with tor relays - probably firewall configuration; further tests
xmrk2 via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Comcast blocks ALL traffic with tor relays
xmrk2 via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Providing metrics relevant to relay operators
Georg Koppen
[tor-relays] «Possible compression bomb» from Authority?
[tor-relays] (EVENT) Tor Relay Operator Meetup - June 24, 2023 @ 18.00 UTC
[tor-relays] ContactInfo semantics
[tor-relays] Security implications of disabling onion key rotation?
David Fifield
[tor-relays] Configuring key expiration warning messages?
[tor-relays] mulitply ipv6 bridge lines for a single bridge
Toralf Förster
[tor-relays] MyFamily
denny . obreham
[tor-relays] [Important] A call for more long running bridges, especially with OBFS IAT-Mode set to 1 or 2.
George Hartley via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Tor Relay Operator Poll (closes on 2023-05-30)
[tor-relays] OpenBSD DoS Mitigation
null via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Police request regarding relay
[tor-relays] new exit relay
Linux-Hus Oni via tor-relays
[tor-relays] For some reason, my bridge is still saying it has no distribution mechanism, despite it is listed as email in my torrc and says it is overloaded?
Keifer Bly
Re: [tor-relays] For some reason, my bridge is still saying it has no distribution mechanism, despite it is listed as email in my torrc and says it is overloaded?
Re: [tor-relays] For some reason, my bridge is still saying it has no distribution mechanism, despite it is listed as email in my torrc and says it is overloaded?
Gary C. New via tor-relays
Re: [tor-relays] For some reason, my bridge is still saying it has no distribution mechanism, despite it is listed as email in my torrc and says it is overloaded?
Keifer Bly
Re: [tor-relays] For some reason, my bridge is still saying it has no distribution mechanism, despite it is listed as email in my torrc and says it is overloaded?
Re: [tor-relays] For some reason, my bridge is still saying it has no distribution mechanism, despite it is listed as email in my torrc and says it is overloaded?
Keifer Bly
Re: [tor-relays] For some reason, my bridge is still saying it has no distribution mechanism, despite it is listed as email in my torrc and says it is overloaded?
Keifer Bly
[tor-relays] Relay Bandwidth
sysmanager7 via tor-relays