
You can use AccountingMax [0] for this. Note that if you set this to 2900 Gbytes (You should leave some bandwidth for overhead and OS updates etc.) it will use 2900 Gbytes outgoing and 2900 Gbytes incoming. Depending on how DO calculates traffic you have do divide it by 2 or set AccountingRule to not go over the 3TB limit. "man tor" has a detailed descriptions for the possible options.


[0] https://support.torproject.org/relay-operators/limit-total-bandwidth/

On 31.03.23 21:34, sysmanager7 via tor-relays wrote:
Greetings all!

Setting up a new Digital Ocean Tor Relay. DO is giving me 3000 Gig a month. Is there a tutorial that I can use to calculate the bandwidth? I've searched around the web and for some reason people seem to dance around the question.  They give examples not relevant to me and zero math showing how the came to their answer.

As usual, any help will be appreciated :-)


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