On Thu, 3 Aug 2023, 15:57 Roman Mamedov, <r...@romanrm.net> wrote:

> On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 23:14:28 +0200
> Eldaliƫ via tor-relays <tor-relays@lists.torproject.org> wrote:
> > Hello there!
> > I've been running for over 1.5 year a middle relay on an IP address I
> also use
> > to browse, withous issues. However it's now some weeks since many
> websites that
> > always refused tor traffic started to also refuse normal traffic from my
> IP. I
> > suppose this is related to the relay, because I don't run any other
> "suspect"
> > service on this IP and when I change it the problem is gone for a few
> hours.
> > My guess is that some widely used black list started including middle
> relay
> > IPs, but I have no proofs.
> > Has anyone had similar experiences? Any thoughts on this?
> For me this has always been the case, since many years ago. It is
> surprising
> you did not have issues for 1.5 years.
> It is probably this list: https://www.dan.me.uk/tornodes
> It has explanation text in bold, but nobody reads that.
> Or just the Tor relay lists that can be fetched from the Tor project
> directly.

I stopped running a relay at home years ago (due to moving home and going
from 1Gbps upload to 10Mbps) but had had the problem with a third party
used by an airline starting to use that list.

It may be better nowadays as most things are available over IPv6 so I
wouldn't care as much if my IPv4 gets blocked and hopefully they wouldn't
block more than a /64 for IPv6.

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