Messages by Thread
Re: [tor-relays] tor-relays Digest, Vol 157, Issue 19
badgerfighter via tor-relays
[tor-relays] bridges for Lox
[tor-relays] Tor Relay Automatic PMTU Testing
pasture_clubbed242--- via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Relay again saying it's new
Keifer Bly
[tor-relays] VPS w/FDE suggestions?
MRob via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Getting spammed with 404 "Consensus is too old" warnings
snowmanonahoe--- via tor-relays
[tor-relays] 7000 concurrent connections
snowmanonahoe--- via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Problem with relay and ovh??
Keifer Bly
[tor-relays] webtunnel bridge docker image still uses
Carlo P. via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Next Tor Relay Operator Meetup - March 2nd, 2024 @ 19.00 UTC
[tor-relays] Tor is not upgrading via apt from
Re: [tor-relays] request for receipes MULTI-instances of ethe4 Guard, Bridge, Exits, snowflake , Tunnel, or both DEBIAN and OpenBSD
Isaac Grover, Aileron I.T.
[tor-relays] Way to be notified when relay goes offline?
Keifer Bly
Re: [tor-relays] Way to be notified when relay goes offline?
mail--- via tor-relays
Re: [tor-relays] Way to be notified when relay goes offline?
Chris Enkidu-6
Re: [tor-relays] Way to be notified when relay goes offline?
Keifer Bly
[tor-relays] request for receipes MULTI-instances of ethe4 Guard, Bridge, Exits, snowflake , Tunnel, or both DEBIAN and OpenBSD
Re: [tor-relays] request for receipes MULTI-instances of ethe4 Guard, Bridge, Exits, snowflake , Tunnel, or both DEBIAN and OpenBSD
admin--- via tor-relays
Re: [tor-relays] request for receipes MULTI-instances of ethe4 Guard, Bridge, Exits, snowflake , Tunnel, or both DEBIAN and OpenBSD
Corl3ss via tor-relays
Re: [tor-relays] Way to be notified when relay goes offline?
Josh Lawson via tor-relays
Re: [tor-relays] Way to be notified when relay goes offline?
Georg Koppen
Re: [tor-relays] Way to be notified when relay goes offline?
Re: [tor-relays] Way to be notified when relay goes offline?
[tor-relays] Relay in AT marked as DE in metrics
Carlo P. via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Relay first seen reset on Tor metrics
Zachary via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Setting up HTML page for exit relay
Terry Davis via tor-relays
[tor-relays] What a mess with the database of ''!
[tor-relays] Why is Cloudflare displayed when I do a speed test?
Terry Davis via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Relay in Japan being marked as a US relay?
Jag Talon
[tor-relays] Next Tor Relay Operator Meetup - 2024-01-27 @ 19:00 UTC
[tor-relays] PSA: Tor 0.4.7 reaches end of life (EOL) on 2024-01-31
Georg Koppen
[tor-relays] A new kind of attack?
Chris Enkidu-6
[tor-relays] Relay reboots every 15 minutes
[tor-relays] Tor relay operator research
Ana Custura
[tor-relays] Recent Tor versions not reloading config on / ignoring HUP kill signal.
George Hartley via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Relay’s first seen date got reset
Rafo ( via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Relay that's been running for a long time suddenly saying it's new?
Keifer Bly
[tor-relays] OrNetStats Update Interval
[tor-relays] [To the maintainers of Tor Metrics] Metrics showing erroneous data for my two relays, can somebody responsible please take a look at the issue?
George Hartley via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Relay not connecting
denny . obreham
[tor-relays] Reboot @ 37C3
Stefan Leibfarth
[tor-relays] Tor Relay Operators Meetup @ 37C3
Stefan Leibfarth
[tor-relays] Remove my relay from relay search on Tor Metrics
nemeto via tor-relays
Re: [tor-relays] Tor: tor_bug_occurred_(): Bug: conflux_pick_first_leg: Non-fatal assertion !(smartlist_len(cfx->legs) <= 0) failed. (on Tor
George Hartley via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Relay data limit
[tor-relays] Tor relay operator meetups
[tor-relays] Issue with Relay Status Discrepancy on Tor Metrics
[tor-relays] Declining Relay Usage
likogan via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Tor: Possible bug on exit relay.
George Hartley via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Worse throughput with 0.4.8.x, on a slow CPU
Roman Mamedov
[tor-relays] Dutch Relays
Christopher Sheats
[tor-relays] obfs4 bridge management
Christopher Sheats
[tor-relays] Exit operators on the 0.4.8.x series, please upgrade to ASAP!
Georg Koppen
[tor-relays] Correction to Good Bad ISPs, UK
code9n via tor-relays
[tor-relays] "Failed to find node for hop #1 of our path"
William Denton
[tor-relays] Relay no longer acting as a gaurd node?
Jonathan Proulx
[tor-relays] obfs4 bridge current setup is not entirely clear
[tor-relays] Money for relay operators and email addresses
code9n via tor-relays
[tor-relays] Please upgrade to new Tor release or ASAP!
[tor-relays] Proposal: Restrict ContactInfo to Mandatory Email Address
Georg Koppen
[tor-relays] PSA: Exit nodes on 0.4.7.x might see less traffic
Georg Koppen
[tor-relays] Next Tor Relay Operator online Meetup - Saturday, October 21 @ 19 UTC
[tor-relays] Relay Bandwidth Limit