On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 23:14:28 +0200
Eldaliƫ via tor-relays <tor-relays@lists.torproject.org> wrote:

> Hello there!
> I've been running for over 1.5 year a middle relay on an IP address I also use
> to browse, withous issues. However it's now some weeks since many websites 
> that
> always refused tor traffic started to also refuse normal traffic from my IP. I
> suppose this is related to the relay, because I don't run any other "suspect"
> service on this IP and when I change it the problem is gone for a few hours.
> My guess is that some widely used black list started including middle relay
> IPs, but I have no proofs.
> Has anyone had similar experiences? Any thoughts on this?

For me this has always been the case, since many years ago. It is surprising
you did not have issues for 1.5 years.

It is probably this list: https://www.dan.me.uk/tornodes
It has explanation text in bold, but nobody reads that.
Or just the Tor relay lists that can be fetched from the Tor project directly.

With respect,
tor-relays mailing list

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