I tried reporting a similar issue a few months ago (post wasn’t approved by 
moderator). I was running a relay from my home ISP. After a short while certain 
websites became inaccessible from other computers in my home network that 
shared the same public IP. After trial and error with other IP addresses 
(non-Tor) I realized commercial gateway services had blacklisted our IP address.

After several weeks of running a Relay I shut it down and after a few days we 
could access the websites again from our IP.

The ISP didn’t understand when I reported it and just wanted to upsell me a 
business plan.

Live and learn. The Tor network was the victim. You are correct that by 
publishing entry, relay and exit node IP addresses for the Tor network, it’s an 
easy target for commercial services to indiscriminately blacklist any IP 
addresses associated with Tor. Sharing your IP with a relay and your personal 
use might get you blocked.

I hope this post gets approved.

> On Aug 3, 2023, at 7:47 AM, Eldalië via tor-relays 
> <tor-relays@lists.torproject.org> wrote:
> Hello there!
> I've been running for over 1.5 year a middle relay on an IP address I also use
> to browse, withous issues. However it's now some weeks since many websites 
> that
> always refused tor traffic started to also refuse normal traffic from my IP. I
> suppose this is related to the relay, because I don't run any other "suspect"
> service on this IP and when I change it the problem is gone for a few hours.
> My guess is that some widely used black list started including middle relay
> IPs, but I have no proofs.
> Has anyone had similar experiences? Any thoughts on this?
> Thanks,
> Eldalië
> --
> Eldalië
> My private key is attached. Please, use it and provide me yours!
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