<!--- Responding to my own message here that started the thread. --->

Hi! The chairs gathered a lot of information from this thread. Thanks for that. 
We have also noted PQ-related discussions in other WGs. Based on all of this, 
Joe and I [0] are going to begin to issue WG calls for adoption in this order 
one roughly right after the after:

- draft-kwiatkowski-tls-ecdhe-mlkem

 <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-reddy-tls-composite-mldsa/>This is our 
plan for a couple of reasons:
1. “Harvest now, decrypt later” seems to be the pressing need
2. Community support
3. Not wanting to moderate all the discussions (**cough fights**) all at once

A couple of things worth noting:

1. Individual I-Ds are a starting point; the I-D does not need to be perfect 
before it is adopted
2. Working I-Ds are under change control of the WG
3. These I-Ds specify code points (some are already assigned), but they do not 
specify mandatory-to-implement algorithms for TLS; see rfc8446/-rfc8446bis
4. Let’s keep it civil while we proceed

Stay tuned.

Joe and Sean

[0] In case you are wondering why we are not including Deirdre here, Deirdre 
has one of the I-Ds under discussion.
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