Salz, Rich writes:
> Well Dan, you claim to have an authoritative and binding source that
> disagrees with what I and others have been saying. And you don't quote
> them directly.

As I wrote: "naming the source here would be risky given threats by the
WG chairs (currently under appeal), so I'm not naming the source in this
message". I agree that this is not a desirable situation; maybe you
should ask the chairs to stop sabotaging the on-list discussion. I've
sent you the authoritative quote and URL off-list.

> I have lost track of what you are arguing against.

I asked what the authorization is under the IETF standardization process
for the (unclear and unusual) procedure that the chairs are following:
"Can the WG chairs please clarify which procedure from RFC 2026 (or from
RFCs updating RFC 2026) is being followed here?"

---D. J. Bernstein

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