Hey  Shane, Tania,
  I would have to be in agreement with you both. Gender has almost nothing
to do with anything. Especially on a mailing list. I always try to stick
with a first name, make's it feel a little more personal, and also try to
address the audience as 'all' instead of "Mr., Mrs., Ms.,etc". Personally
it doesn't matter much to me, but then my name normally is associated with
"dirty old men" and not gender indifference. ;-)

On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, srl wrote:

> On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Tania Morell wrote:
> > > Rik
> > > 
> > 
> > It really is very hard to decipher who is male and
> > female by their name.  Some names are not so obvious.
> > Sorry about this but if you had spelled your name with
> > a 'c', I may have assumed one thing.
> why does it matter who's male, female, or other? I'd have to say
> that one of my personal goals as a feminist is to have gender 
> not matter at all... but some of you seem to feel differently. 
> can you explain why?
> shane
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