Rik Hemsley wrote:

> #if Linda Walsh
> >     Dunno if I want to do this...but...
> >
> >     No one is "equal" in every way with everyone else [...]
> Misquote from Python:
> (moment's pause)
> "I'm not ! ... and neither's my wife !"
> [...]
> > It'd by like rating on congeniality -- have you ever heard of Mr.
> > Congeniality award? Things have moved away from those explicit
> > criteria, but attitudes still remain.
> I have worked at a company where I was not made welcome, because
> I didn't play football (soccer) with the 'lads'.
> It's practically the same thing. I wasn't a 'man' in their eyes,
> so I got the equivalent of sexual discrimination. Yes, I really did.
> Rik
> --
> Explore the richness of your limitations.
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

I would snip but I won't. Same with me. I am the male sports inept I was
made feel unwelcome because I can not play baseball. This was silly it
was like bloody high school. It was pretty awful, both men and women
participated in "Steve Jokes".

As far as family stuff. We were messy. I lived with a family for several
years. Half the machines were at home and I admin'd them. I took care of
kids when needed including teaching cooking and making dinner.
Dishwashing was automated. We had a once a week house keeper, we paid
her $10/hr. Mostly we took dinner together. Each person got chance at
menu planning. I drove people to school and it all seemed to work.

Things ended up in random places but were found. So far this group of
people seems to be the happiest family I know and have known and I
shouldn't have struck out on my own. My looseness was accepted and I am
sure several prosecutors would be screaming about the state of summer
dress we ran around in. It was funny. Most everyone is happy and
prosperous, with me being the mild black sheep.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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